Tuesday, May 10, 2016

One of the things I dislike intensely about my job is the assumption that they have some kind of dibs on my off time. I have to attend a stupid hour-long training on sexual harassment. I have been working long enough that this is a topic on which I do not need any more training. It boils down to: don't say anything to another person, especially of the opposite sex, that remotely implies that you notice anything about them that would make them different than yourself. There, I just saved everybody an hour.
In the grand scheme of things I admit than an hour is not much. However, my off time is precisely that, MINE. I have plans, and sometimes I don't have plans on purpose. Since pretending to be a functioning, mature adult at my job takes a lot of energy, I need down time. And it just so happens that I have an appointment that day, that was set 3 months in advance. It's not exactly going to make for a frantic day, but it's a lot for me to do. I'm already tired.
And you know what else? This is the kind of training that could easily be done via a memo, or training document. I got nothing but time during my shift. The Stupid runs rampant through here.

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