So, if I haven't mentioned it before, you'll notice "I hate my job" will be a repeated refrain, both explicitly stated and implied. I try not to mention it because 1. it doesn't bear repeating, it is a given, and 2. nobody wants to hear it over and over, but sometimes it just gets to the point that I need to scream. Tonight is one of those nights.
I didn't get the job transfer, so I'm stuck doing menial tasks for the forseeable future. Yay, me. Plus, with the write-up, I won't get a transfer for the next 3 months. I suppose it's part of the company's way to make sure one department's screw-up isn't passed to another department, but it still bites. Tonight they informed us that mandatory OT is looming. This means 6-day work weeks. Color me pissed. Working graveyard means that essentially you only have one weekend day anyway. So I'm supposed to give up what little (and precious) free time I have because the department staffing was allowed to fall so low. Ummmm, no, how's that work for you? I'm not the one that allowed so many people to transfer out. I'm not the one that delayed posting job openings. I'm not the one that promoted four people to slots that didn't really need to be filled. I'm also not the one that refuses to go to a 4-10 schedule. Another department has done it, I don't know why we can't.
I do realize that I'm not as "stuck" as it seems. I have alternatives, but being the responsible adult that I am (BUWHAHAHA!), just walking off a job, tempting as it is, is not really an option. It's come very very close some nights. It was really a matter of not doing something permanently stupid because I was angry. Maybe not permanent, but certainly long-term effects. And this place certainly has its fair share of permanently stupid. Some days I think being brain-damaged is a prerequisite to being hired. I have my own issues, which is why I work here. If you aren't weird when they hire you, you certainly are after being here awhile.
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